What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing refers to the use of shared computing resources to deliver applications over the internet. Cloud providers offer a variety of services and offer these to customers at a subscription fee. The most common cloud computing model is SaaS, or software-as-a-service. This model allows companies to rent server capacity and storage from a cloud provider and use it to develop applications. The cost of SaaS is usually based on usage or per seat. Other forms of cloud computing, like IaaS, offer massive virtualized infrastructure to customers. These customers often build applications and use API-accessible services to extend these capabilities.

Another benefit of cloud computing is its ability to scale rapidly and easily. Users can access large amounts of computing power on demand, often by the minute or hour. This makes cloud computing extremely elastic. All users need to access the cloud are a personal computer and Internet access. Recent advances in virtualization and distributed computing have increased interest in this new computing model.

Cloud computing has many drawbacks. Security is a major concern. Cloud services must adhere to strict regulations to protect sensitive information. Encryption is a great way to secure data, but it is still subject to risk. It can also be compromised by internal bugs, natural disasters, or power outages. In addition, data storage on a cloud service provider’s servers can be susceptible to security breaches.